
Millions of birds lose precious energy due to fireworks on New Year’s Eve
December 18, 2023
Birds are affected by the mass use of fireworks on New Year’s Eve up to a distance of 10 km...

Paper out on the nightly timing of migration
August 21, 2023
Geographic barriers and season shape the nightly timing of avian migration.

GloBAM wins Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact
July 06, 2023
We are very honoured to have received the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact, together with the AlienScenarios project.

starsTileServer visualizes large spatial data sets
January 21, 2022
Making large spatial data sets accessible for dynamic visualization is challenging, starsTileServer facilitates this.

Benefits of using non-checklist bird portal data
April 08, 2021
Non-checklist data from ornithological citizen science portals provide unprecedented insights into bird migration phenologies.

CROW: A new tool to watch bird migration in real time
March 26, 2021
A GloBAM partner launched an interactive visualization to follow bird migration detected by weather radars across the Benelux.
Synergies of citizen science and weather radars
November 24, 2020
How citizen science and weather radar data can complement each other to provide novel insights into bird migration fluxes at...

Paper out on bat migration ecology
November 05, 2020
How does climate (change) affect the timing of bat migration at Bracken Cave (USA)?

Popular radar aeroecology papers
May 04, 2020
Our radar aeroecology papers are among most downloaded.

World Biodiversity Forum
February 27, 2020
A brief summary of the WBF meeting Silke attended in Davos, Switzerland on 23-28 February 2020.
Bart Kranstauber joins our team
January 08, 2020
This summer I joined the GloBAM team as post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics of the...

Swiss-Dutch coordination meeting
December 04, 2019
Summary of catch-up meeting between Swiss and Dutch GloBAM team members on 6-8 November 2019.

2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference
October 28, 2019
A summary of IRAC 2019 in Zhengzhou, China on 21-24 September 2019.

Birgen Haest joins our team
October 01, 2019
We would like to welcome Birgen Haest, who has joined our GloBAM team as post-doctoral researcher.

Tom Mason joins our team
June 01, 2019
We would like to welcome Tom Mason, who has joined our GloBAM team as post-doctoral researcher.

BioDivERsa kick-off meeting and stakeholder workshop
May 20, 2019
A summary of the BioDivERsa kick-off meeting in Helsinki, Finland on 14-16 May 2019.